Tuesday, May 27, 2008


From hysterical pop smug sports commentator and drama queen of regular indignation (Keith Olbermann):

"She actually said those words.
Those words, Senator?
You actually invoked the nightmare of political assassination.
You actually invoked the specter of an inspirational leader, at the seeming moment of triumph, for himself and a battered nation yearning to breathe free, silenced forever.
You actually used the word "assassination" in the middle of a campaign with a loud undertone of racial hatred - and gender hatred - and political hatred

Sigh. Always outraged by fear mongering and fear as a political tool, KO has decided to take a clearly chronological statement about Democratic nominees campaigning in June and turn it into a fresh new outrage. Not surprising, of course, since his entire brand is mindless outrage and anger.

What does he think of the possibility that HRC mentioned RFK because, as was so clear in the quotation's context, he was still campaigning in June? Does he entertain this possibility before leaping wildly to full blown indignation or is this too arduous? Could we also please get over the tendency to treat every historical analogy or example as an "insulting" or "offensive" comparison?

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